Period Pain: Why 1 in 4 Women Are Affected and Why Men Should Care?

Ladies and gents, it's time to talk about a topic that affects a quarter of our population.

Don't tune out, guys - this info could be crucial for the women you love.

Let's delve into the world of the pelvis and how it impacts females.

From design differences to potential issues, we're covering it all!

The female pelvis is uniquely shaped to support childbirth and reproductive organs. Its alignment affects fertility, pregnancy, and labor.

Chiropractic care can help by aligning the pelvis, reducing muscle tension, and improving blood flow. This can ease period pain and discomfort.

Chiropractors can address pelvic misalignment and offer advice on posture and exercises.

If you or someone you know experiences period pain, consider seeing a chiropractor for an assessment of the pelvis and spine to ensure optimal alignment.

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Move outside your Groove: How to Break Free From Your Daily Routine

Time to step outside your groove! 🌟

Whether it's sitting at a desk or standing on your feet, it's important to break out of your routine and try something new.

Challenge yourself to move in different ways and discover new activities that bring balance to your daily routine. 💪

Moving outside your groove means stepping beyond your normal range of motion.

Why is this crucial?

Well, the longer your body remains in one position, the more your brain perceives it as the norm. We all know poor posture can lead to long-term issues.

That's why it's essential to incorporate movements that challenge your body in different ways regularly.

Exercises with One Dumbbell:

1. Single Arm Neutral Thruster Squat:

  • Hold the dumbbell in one hand at shoulder height.

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.

  • Lower into a squat position while keeping your back straight and chest up.

  • As you rise back up, press the dumbbell overhead.

  • Repeat on both sides for an equal number of reps.

2. Kneeling Tricep Pull Up:

  • Kneel on the floor with the dumbbell held overhead in both hands.

  • Lower the dumbbell behind your head, bending at the elbows.

  • Keep your upper arms stationary as you extend your arms, lifting the dumbbell back up.

  • Focus on engaging your triceps throughout the movement.

  • Repeat for the desired number of reps.

3. Hip Bridge Lift for Glute Strengthening:

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor, holding the dumbbell on your hips.

  • Lift your hips towards the ceiling, squeezing your glutes at the top.

  • Lower your hips back down with control.

  • Repeat for the recommended number of repetitions.

4. Deadbug Alternating Arm with Dumbbell:

  • Lie on your back with your arms extended towards the ceiling, holding the dumbbell in one hand.

  • Bend your knees at a 90-degree angle, with your shins parallel to the floor.

  • Slowly lower one arm and the opposite leg towards the ground while maintaining tension in your core.-Return to the starting position and repeat on the opposite side.

  • Continue alternating sides for the desired number of reps.

Incorporate these exercises into your routine, aiming for three rounds of each. Spend around 10 to 15 minutes on this routine, and you'll engage a variety of muscles that may have been neglected throughout the week. I guarantee it'll make a positive difference in how you feel.

Remember, variety is key to maintaining a healthy body and preventing issues associated with prolonged poor posture. So, let's commit to moving outside our grooves and embracing new movements for better mobility and overallwell-being.

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Revitalize Your Posture: Simple Solutions to Combat Slumping from Prolonged Sitting

Are you stuck sitting for long hours at work or in front of a screen? Concerned about your posture? You're not alone. Many of us neglect our posture while sitting, focusing only on our head and neck positions. But what about our torso?

Here are 2 simple tips to help you improve your posture and relieve tension in your core muscles:

1. Address Your Torso:

When we sit for extended periods, our torso tends to sinkdown, causing our hip flexor muscles to tighten and shorten. These muscles, known as the iliopsoas muscles, play a crucial role in posture. To counteract this, try the following stretch:

Runner's Lunge:

Stand with one foot forward and one foot back in a lunge position. Ensure both knees are bent at 90 degrees. Lean slightly forward, keeping your torso upright and your hands raised overhead. This stretch helps elongate the hip flexors and relieves tension in the core.

Remember to repeat on both sides for balance.

2. McKenzie Stretch:

This stretch targets both hips simultaneously but requires caution to avoid overextending the lower back. Here's how to do it:

Position Yourself:

Start on your hands and knees, then extend your legs behind you. Allow your pelvis to sink towards the ground while keeping your gaze forward and pulling your shoulder blades back.

By incorporating these simple stretches into your routine, you can combat the effects of prolonged sitting and improve your posture.

Remember to take breaks throughout the day to stand, stretch, and move around. Stay mindful of your posture, and don't forget to breathe deeply while stretching to maximize the benefits. With consistent practice, you canuncurl your core and feel more comfortable and aligned in your body, even after long hours of sitting.

So, take a moment to stretch it out and give your body the care it deserves.

Your future self will thank you!

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Marching into March… or rather, swimming, for good spinal health.

Maintaining spinal health is essential for overall well-being. Swimming is not only a fantastic full-body workout but also offers unique benefits that can specifically support and improve the health of your spine.

Did you know? Swimming is great for…

Low-Impact Exercise:

Swimming is a low-impact exercise that reduces stress on the spine and joints, making it ideal for people with back pain or spinal issues. Unlike high-impact activities like running or weightlifting, swimming allows for gentle movement while still providing an effective workout.

Strengthening Core Muscles:

Swimming engages the muscles of the core, including the back muscles, abdominals, and obliques, which are essential for supporting the spine. By strengthening these muscles, swimming helps to stabilize the spine and improve posture, reducing the risk of spinal misalignment and injury.

Increased Flexibility:

The rhythmic movements involved in swimming promote flexibility in the spine and surrounding muscles. Regular swimming can help to loosen tight muscles and improve range of motion, preventing stiffness and promoting better spinal alignment.

Decompression of the Spine:

Swimming allows the spine to decompress, relieving pressure on the vertebral discs. The buoyancy of water supports the body, reducing the effects of gravity on the spine and promoting spinal elongation and relaxation.

Stress Relief:

Swimming is not only beneficial for physical health but also for mental well-being. The soothing nature of water and rhythmic breathing patterns can help to reduce stress and tension, which can contribute to spinal discomfort.

So let’s bring more awareness to a healthier, happier spine! Throw on those bathers and soak up the last embers of the summer warmth this March!

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Hello February, Routines and Tiny Habits

Hey there, February! Now is the time that kids are back at school, your summer break memories are fading and university courses are also about the kick into gear.  Now I am a person who does appreciate getting back into a rhythm and  I want to honour and  give a shoutout to the unsung heroes of our lives: ROUTINES.   

Inspired by BJ Fogg's book "Tiny Habits," here's my synopsis of the benefits that the rhythm of February routines can bring you if you choose to embrace:

Small Steps, Big Wins:

While we may have grand goals for the long term, just recognize that it is small things done well and consistently over a period over time that add up ….just like compounding interest!   If you’re able to get a little bit more sleep, an extra glass or two of water or even just moving and walking more; let’s high-five ourselves for the small victories that add up over the weeks and months

Finding Your Groove:

Just like our favourite music that gets us going and motivated as we start to repeat and reinforce the new tiny habit, we can start to find a rhythm with it.  We start feel better about it and it creates great momentum toward the direction we are heading towards.

Celebrate the small wins

 Whether it's remembering to hydrate more often or sneaking in a quick stretch, when you look back across a month and realize you’re actually doing there is a bit of a shift in your behaviour. It’s important to recognize and toast the little wins that make us feel like champions.

Making friends with new habits the “new normal”

You might find that after about 3 week the new thing that you had to remember and push yourself to do, now seems easier and more natural. Like putting on your favourite jumper on a chilly day, routines wrap us in comfort. Let's sprinkle our daily grind with small new habits, making them feel like old friends in no time.

Rolling with the Punches:

Sometimes life throw us curveballs and despite best intentions, sometimes we need to dig deep and our resilience, pivot and deal with the crisis or drama in font of us.  However, if such a thing got in the way of your newfound habit, don’t worry, you can get back to it- you don’t have to give up the momentum you started.  Don’t judge yourself, next week you can start again when the storm has passed and it you will be back into it in no time.

So here's to February, the month of love, laughter, and everyday adventures! Let's raise a mug to our routines, knowing that even the smallest habits can lead to big-time happiness.

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Enough sleep? How much and why?

Today, let's dive into the fascinating realm of sleep and its profound impact on our overall well-being, particularly the health of our spine. Are you getting enough sleep? How much is enough, and why does it matter? Join us on this journey to discover the secrets of a good night's sleep and how it contributes to your body's healing process.

Our natural biological rhythms reveal that the sweet spot for rejuvenating sleep is nestled between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. Eight hours of uninterrupted sleep allows our body and brain to complete a full cycle of regeneration. Picture it as a software program that needs ample time to run through for optimal healing.

Now, we know it can be challenging to tuck into bed earlier, especially with our addiction to those glowing screens. The "death scroll" on our devices often steals precious bedtime moments. So, here's a challenge: try putting away those screens a bit earlier. Opt for a good old-fashioned book to help you wind down. A physical read can induce tiredness, paving the way for a restful night.

But why is enough sleep essential for your spine? It turns out that your spine needs time to regenerate and decompress overnight. Whether you spend your day on your feet or glued to a chair, the compression your spine endures needs to be alleviated, and the magic happens when you lie horizontal. This horizontal position allows your spine to decompress, aiding in its rejuvenation.

Moreover, hydration of spinal discs occurs during sleep. After a day of constant movement, your body needs time to channel healing cells, supporting the regeneration process overnight. The key player in coordinating this healing, restoration, and regeneration is the parasympathetic part of your nervous system. To let it work its magic, you must wind down your brain, easing it into a calmer state.

Now, let's explore the benefits of getting just one more hour of sleep by adjusting your bedtime routine:

1. Spinal Stress Reduction: Adequate sleep is pivotal for reducing stress on the spine. During sleep, the spine decompresses, aligning itself properly and diminishing the pressure accumulated during the day. This results in reduced discomfort and pain, promoting better spinal health.

2. Tissue Repair: The body undergoes essential repair processes during sleep. Spinal tissues, including muscles, ligaments, and discs, go through restoration and regeneration. Quality sleep supports these repair mechanisms, contributing to overall spinal health.

3. Improved Sleep Quality: Establishing a consistent sleep routine by going to bed earlier and rising earlier helps regulate the body's internal clock. This fosters a natural sleep-wake cycle, leading to improved sleep quality, deeper rest, and enhanced spinal health.

Remember the age-old wisdom:

"Early to bed, early to rise, and let your body energize."

Embrace the power of quality sleep, unlock the healing potential of your spine, and wake up ready to conquer each day with renewed energy and vitality!

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Benefits of drinking water for your Spinal Health

Did you know that staying hydrated is also crucial for overall spinal health and well-being?

Here are some amazing benefits of drinking more water. Here’s my video or read below for more details:

  1. Joint Health: Proper hydration is essential for maintaining the optimal function of joints. Water serves as a lubricant and cushion for the joints, particularly the spinal discs. The intervertebral discs between vertebrae in the spine are primarily composed of water, which helps them maintain flexibility and shock-absorbing properties.

  2. Detoxification: Water is crucial for the body's detoxification processes. It helps flush out toxins and waste products, aiding the kidneys in removing metabolic waste and supporting the body's natural detox mechanisms. By eliminating these toxins, the body can better maintain spinal health and reduce inflammation that might impact the spine.

  3. Circulation: Staying hydrated supports proper blood circulation, ensuring that essential nutrients and oxygen reach the spinal discs and surrounding tissues. Improved circulation facilitates the delivery of nutrients and hydration to the spine, aiding in tissue repair and overall spinal health.

Sometimes it can take some re-training of yourself to be able to increase your water intake. First, let’s think about what water amount you need to aim for. As a goal aim for 35ml per 1 kg of your body weight.

e.g. 35ml X 85 kg = 2975 Ml , yes that’s nearly 3L of water daily!! This amount is what to aim for if you want to get yourself a great flush out! It also depends on how much you exercise and it excludes drinks with caffeine, alcohol and sugar.

I suggest that you start with having a few water bottles on hand and try to have one with you at all times or locations. e.g. one by the bed, one to take to work or school with you and another at home when you’re relaxing or on a screen. Sip at regular intervals and tie it to an action you do regularly - e.g. when you go to pick up your mobile phone! (don't just try to drink a whole bottle in one go - you will find that hard - unless you are really hot & bothered!) That way you can start to train your water-sipping habit.

You may need to urinate more often but then you can also check the colour of your urine to see if it is getting closer to ideal. Here’s a link to a urine colour chart

Remember, staying hydrated is an important part of maintaining a healthy spine and overall well-being.

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New Years Resolutions?

A Friendly Reminder About New Year's Resolutions

This post might not align with the buzz around the upcoming "New Year." If you're tired of scrolling through social media prompts that make you feel obliged to do something better, acquire something new, or somehow enhance yourself simply because a new year is approaching, then this message is for you!

Just because it's that time of the year (and perhaps you've enjoyed some festive indulgence in recent weeks), "they" might make you feel guilty for it. "They" might insist that you must redeem yourself: lose 5kg, cut down on drinking, get in better shape, learn more, or switch to a different job. While these pursuits may all hold merit, I reject this notion.

I refuse to accept the idea that social media or any form of media can make you feel inferior to what you truly are. As the new year nears, the pressure to strive to be "more than" who you are can be detrimental to our mental well-being and self-perception, potentially setting us up for failure.

So, how about we call out the nonsense in this? Instead, why don't we encourage people to:

- Embrace themselves, regardless of the time of year. Setting goals and timelines is excellent, planning ahead to pursue something significant is commendable (and I fully support that). However, pressuring yourself at this time just because it's January is absurd.

- We have the liberty to set goals at any point. Initiating changes can be more effective when we feel genuinely ready. The calendar doesn't have to dictate that readiness.

- Before succumbing to the feeling that you "have to" set a New Year's resolution, why not reflect on your current self and consider if you're content or moving toward the direction you desire?

- Consider setting an "intention" for where you'd like to head and keep your mind open to the possibilities that may assist you in getting closer to it.

- If we genuinely listen to ourselves, we all possess the ability to discern what aligns well with us and what doesn't.

In essence, instead of trying to set a New Year's resolution that might not endure beyond a few weeks, perhaps take a moment to listen, reflect, and appreciate yourself and who you are. Maybe, just maybe, ponder if you genuinely want to change anything at all?

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Understanding and easing shoulder issues

I've recently been addressing some common shoulder concerns among our clients. I would like to share insights from two informative videos that shed light on understanding and easing shoulder issues. Let's dive into it!

**Shoulder Health: It's More Than Just the Ball and Socket**

There is an interconnectedness of shoulder problems with the lower neck and upper back. Often, when our posture leans forward, it misaligns the shoulder joint, which makes movements like flexion and abduction of the shoulder challenging. This forward-leaning posture can strain the rotator cuff and ligaments, potentially leading to an impingement syndrome.

It's crucial to understand that while focusing on the ball and socket joint is essential, assessing the lower neck and upper back's role is equally vital. At The Chiropractic Domain, we pay attention to this holistic approach to ensure comprehensive shoulder health assessments.

**Self-Help Exercises for Shoulder Relief**

Here are two simple yet effective exercises for at-home shoulder relief. These exercises are aimed at easing discomfort associated with lifting, tightness, or even pain while lying on the shoulder. However, it's essential to note that these exercises are complementary and not substitutes for professional assessment.

Exercise 1: **The Outward Circles**

- Using a hand weight or a substitute with a half-filled bucket of water, kneel on a bench or chair with a straight back, and then let the weight hang down.

- Gradually perform small outward circles with the weight to create traction and a gentle stretch in the shoulder joint.

- Increase the circle's size if comfortable, maintaining a straight back and braced core throughout the exercise.

Exercise 2: **Shoulder Blade Retraction**

- While stabilizing your hand and knee, maintain a straight back , engage your core and grasp the weight.

- With a straight arm, focus on moving only the shoulder blade back towards the ceiling by retracting it toward the spine without bending the elbow.

- This exercise aims to strengthen the shoulder girdle and promote a retracted position, crucial for shoulder health.

In summary; our shoulders function best when in a sitting-back, retracted position, as discussed in the earlier video. However, if these exercises don't alleviate your shoulder issues, don't hesitate to reach out to us.  At the Chiropractic Domain we are dedicated to assisting you in your journey toward improved shoulder health.

We hope these insights and exercises provide a helpful starting point for your shoulder wellness. Take care of your shoulders, and if you need any further assistance, feel free to get in touch via or message our social pages.

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Sleep better & wake up pain-free

Are you tired of waking up feeling sore and achy? Whether it's discomfort in your upper body or lower back and hips, your sleeping position might be the culprit. In today's blog post, we'll explore how your sleep posture can impact your well-being and share some chiropractic tips to help you improve your sleep quality. Often people will sleep in a “preztel” or a “prawn” position which is not at all helpful for your spine when it is trying to rest and recover from the day

**Sleeping Like a Pretzel**

One common sleeping position issue is resembling a "pretzel." When you twist and contort your lower back during sleep, it doesn't allow your lower back to rest in a neutral position. Instead, it can lead to discomfort and pain. To remedy this, try the following suggestions:

1. **Use a Pillow:** Place a pillow between your knees while sleeping. This helps keep your pelvis in a neutral position and prevents excessive twisting.

2. **Leg Position:** If you prefer to have one leg straight, make sure it's the top leg, while keeping the bottom leg bent. This adjustment will stop you from rolling forward into a pretzel-like position.

These simple changes might take some time to get used to, but they can significantly improve your sleep quality and reduce morning aches.

**Sleeping Like a Prawn**

Sleeping like a "prawn" involves curling forwards and tucking in, which can also lead to discomfort and pain. To address this issue, consider the following tips:

1. **Use a Contoured Pillow:** Opt for a pillow with a contour that fits the gap between your neck and shoulder. These specialized pillows are available at our clinic and work wonders for maintaining proper alignment.

2. **Head Position:** While in this position, ensure you are looking directly across the room. Avoid the common mistake of dropping your chin down, which can lead to discomfort.

3. **Tongue Placement:** Keep your tongue on the roof of your mouth and your mouth closed. This might sound unusual, but it can help maintain a better head and neck alignment as well as optimise your airway to reduce open mouth breathing.

4. **Supportive Pillow Hug:** To further maintain proper posture, hug a pillow or hold onto something to keep yourself balanced.

These adjustments can make a significant difference in your sleep quality, reducing the strain on your neck, shoulders, and upper back.

**Seek Professional Help**

If you've tried to change your sleep postures but are still experiencing issues, it may be time to consult with a chiropractor. Chiropractors are experts in addressing underlying mechanical issues that could be contributing to your discomfort.

Feel free to reach out to us through our social media channels or visit our website to schedule an appointment with our chiropractic team. We specialize in helping you achieve a pain-free, restful night's sleep.

In conclusion, your sleep posture plays a crucial role in how you feel when you wake up in the morning. By making simple adjustments and seeking professional guidance when needed, you can enjoy better sleep and wake up with less pain and discomfort. Sweet dreams and better mornings await!

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Gardening without back pain: 3 essential tips

Gardening can be a relaxing and satisfying activity, but it can also take a toll on your back if you're not careful. My patients often report their back gets into trouble after a gardening session so here I suggest some valuable tips to help you enjoy your gardening while keeping your back pain-free. Let's dive into these essential tips or watch my demonstrations below:

1. **Mindful Gardening Posture**

- Emphasizing the importance of maintaining a good posture while weeding, our gardening expert suggests using a kneel pad for extra comfort and support for your knees. Sitting back on your haunches when possible and maintaining the natural curve in your lower back can reduce strain. Avoid spending too much time in one position and break up your weeding tasks across the afternoon to minimize back strain.

2. **Balanced Movement**

Here I highlight the significance of balanced movement during gardening. Many of us tend to favour one side when digging, shovelling, or turning soil, which can lead to hip and lower back discomfort. To prevent this, try alternating sides while working – spend five minutes using one side, then switch to the other. Additionally, incorporate a hip flexor stretch after gardening to alleviate tension in your lower back. This simple routine can make a significant difference in keeping your back pain-free.

3. **Smart Sweeping Techniques**

Often, we sweep in a one-sided manner, which can strain the back and create muscle imbalances when done repetitively. Instead, remember to swap sides while sweeping to distribute the workload evenly. Take regular breaks, stay hydrated, and maintain a spine-smart approach to gardening. These small adjustments can go a long way in preventing back pain.

Gardening can be a delightful and therapeutic activity, but it's essential to prioritize your back's health. By following these three tips – maintaining a mindful gardening posture, ensuring balanced movement, and adopting smart sweeping techniques – you can enjoy a pain-free gardening experience. Happy gardening, and keep your back in top shape!

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Achy Shoulders?

Are you one of the many people who frequently experience sore shoulders? You're not alone. In this blog, we'll discuss the two common scenarios that contribute to shoulder discomfort and provide practical solutions to alleviate the pain.

Posture Matters: One of the most prevalent causes of achy shoulders is poor posture. When your shoulders roll forward into internal rotation, it can lead to tension and discomfort. To combat this issue, you can make a simple posture adjustment. Imagine pulling your shoulder blades back and squeezing them together, while also bringing your head back over your shoulders. This corrective posture significantly reduces tension in the shoulders.

Demo Time: Carly, our lovely Chiropractic Assistant, is here to demonstrate this posture correction. As Carly pulls her shoulder blades back, her head naturally aligns over her shoulders, improving her posture. Remember, the goal is not to tense up the trapezius muscles but to create a sensation as if you're holding a piece of paper between your shoulder blades. It's a straightforward yet effective strategy to relieve shoulder tension.

Isolated Shoulder Pain: Now, let's address the scenario where one shoulder is more sore or problematic than the other. This often occurs when one shoulder is rolled forward or even dropped. It's important to recognize that shoulder issues can be linked to hip imbalances. However, there's one exercise that a shoulder surgeon recommended to avoid surgery altogether.

The Crucial Exercise: This exercise involves external rotation, and it's a game-changer. You'll want to keep your shoulder back and down while slowly opening your arm to a 45-degree angle. This controlled movement requires a stretchy band attached to a sturdy surface. Focus on pulling the shoulder back and down as you open your arm to 45 degrees, all while keeping it slow and controlled. The key is to avoid quick, jerky movements.

Seeking Help: If you're still experiencing shoulder discomfort despite these exercises, it's essential to consult with a professional. There may be underlying mechanical issues contributing to your problem. A chiropractor, like us, can provide a comprehensive assessment and tailored solutions to address your specific needs.

In conclusion, understanding and addressing shoulder issues involve maintaining proper posture and engaging in targeted exercises. By following these tips, you can significantly reduce shoulder pain and improve your overall shoulder health. If problems persist, don't hesitate to seek professional guidance. Your shoulders will thank you!

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Attention: Runners, Walkers, Kickers & Squatters

Your commitment to sports and exercise is commendable, and it's vital to recognize the impact of sacroiliac joints on your performance. These often-overlooked joints, located in your lower back and pelvis, are essential for flexion and extension movements. They provide the extra movement needed for powerful kicks, efficient running strides, and balanced steps. Having a pelvis that is even slightly tilted or twisted is a sign that there can be an issue with your Sacro-iliac joints, (SI joints) something I check on each and every visit.

In addition, if your SI joints are not moving properly, it can be a source of pain when doing your favourite trail walk, running or playing sport. they have even been known to mimic sciatic-type pain in some people!

Having good sacroiliac joint function through regular Chiropractic check-ups can significantly contribute to your sporting success.

As sports enthusiasts gear up for the season's peak, optimizing performance becomes paramount. Here are three essential strategies to elevate your game:

1. Optimal Recovery and Rest:

Intense training can lead to micro-tears in muscles and tissues. Adequate recovery, hydration, and magnesium intake are essential for effective healing. Embrace rest as a superpower that accelerates recovery, ensuring you're fully prepared for your next challenge.

2. Flexibility Training for Dynamic Performance:

Beyond cardio and weights, flexibility training is a game-changer. It readies your body for the diverse movements demanded by your sport. By exploring and stretching through various ranges of motion that mimic the moves expected on the field, you enhance your on-field performance and set the stage for success.

3. Get the “Edge” with Chiropractic Adjustments:

Chiropractic adjustments offer a unique advantage. They extend joint range beyond self-stretching limits, leading to improved hip extension and flexion. These adjustments can be your secret weapon for moving with grace and power on the field.

With a focus on sacroiliac joint health, optimal recovery, flexibility, and chiropractic adjustments, you're poised to unlock your sporting potential. Whether you're running, kicking, or competing in winter sports, these strategies can make a profound difference. Remember, success is within reach when you prioritize your body's well-being. For more information, feel free to connect with us. Your journey to peak performance starts now!

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Strengthen Your Core: Beat the Sitting Slump!

Many people sit all day or work n a flexed position. in these situations the brain can disengage their core muscles, putting their back at risk. Learn how you can simply start to switch these muscles on again your protect yourself from a “back attack”

Are you someone who sits a lot and worries about your core? If so, you're not alone. Your core muscles play a crucial role in protecting your spine, and sitting for long periods can weaken them. But don't worry, we've got you covered! In this article, we'll explore why your core matters and how sitting affects it. Plus, we'll share two simple exercises you can do to wake up those core muscles and keep your spine safe. Let's get started!

The Mighty Core: Your Spine's Best Friend:

Your core muscles are superheroes when it comes to supporting your spine. They help you maintain good posture, stabilize your back, and transfer forces between your upper and lower body. When your core is weak, it can lead to bad posture, muscle imbalances, and back pain.

Beware the Sitting Slump:

Sitting for long periods can take a toll on your core muscles. Despite your best intentions, as the hours go by, your core starts to collapse, like a rainwater tank with an axe in its side. This weakens your strength and stability, putting your spine at risk.

Exercise 1: Lie Down and Activate:

You don't need fancy equipment for this exercise. Just find a comfortable spot on the floor and follow these steps:

  1. Lie down and bend your knees.

  2. Focus on the muscles between your belly button and pubic bone (your lower abdomen) and draw them downward.

  3. Squeeze your glutes (your bottom muscles).

  4. Engage your pelvic floor muscles (yes, everyone has them!) by gently contracting them.

  5. Now, combine all these actions together: activate your core, engage your pelvic floor, and clench your glutes.

  6. Hold for a few seconds, then release.

  7. Repeat this exercise to help rebuild your core strength.

Exercise 2: Kneeling Push-Up with Core Activation:

This exercise is perfect for those who spend a lot of time in a forward-leaning position:

  1. Get on your knees, about two feet away from a table.

  2. Remember the pelvic tilt from the previous exercise? Do that to engage your core, floor, and glutes.

  3. Place your hands on the table in front of you.

  4. Bend your elbows to lower your body towards the table while maintaining a strong and straight plank position.

  5. Push back up, extending your arms, and keep that core and glute engagement.

  6. Keep your shoulders and hips aligned throughout the exercise.

  7. Avoid arching or sagging your lower back.


Your core is a hero when it comes to supporting your spine, so don't neglect it, especially if you sit a lot. With the lying down core activation and kneeling push-up exercises, you can rebuild your core strength and protect your spine. Remember to be consistent and gradually increase the intensity as you progress. So, let's beat the sitting slump together and keep your core strong and your spine happy!

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Enhancing your adjustment experience

We’ve recently introduced an initiative to help you get more out of your Adjustment - watch our vlog to find out more!

At our clinic, we are always striving to provide the best possible care and ensure that our clients experience optimal results from their treatments. That's why we are excited to introduce our new pre-adjustment mini-exercise program.

Preparing for the Best Adjustment:

Many clients come into the clinic after spending long periods sitting or working in fixed positions throughout the day. We wanted to ensure that they could derive maximum benefits from their adjustments. Hence, the introduction of these short and simple pre-adjustment primer exercises.

Quick and Effective:

The pre-adjustment exercises are incredibly time-efficient, taking only about 30 to 60 seconds to complete. Before your adjustment session, our knowledgeable team will guide you through these exercises and teach you how to perform them correctly. This brief but effective routine helps prepare your body, making it more receptive to the adjustments we perform.

Reinforcing Positive Changes:

In addition to the pre-adjustment exercises, we encourage clients to incorporate a post-exercise routine, which takes approximately 60 seconds. This post-exercise routine further reinforces the positive changes we aim to achieve through the adjustment. It helps increase your mobility, promotes better posture, and aids in calming your nervous system.

We understand that trying something new can sometimes be met with hesitation. To ease any concerns, we have included visual demonstrations in the video below which feature some of our lovely clients performing the pre-adjustment exercises. Their dedication and positive feedback have encouraged others to participate and experience the benefits firsthand.

If you have any questions or concerns about the pre-adjustment exercises, we are here to help. Feel free to reach out to our friendly team, and we will be more than happy to address any queries you may have. Your comfort and satisfaction are our top priorities, and we want you to feel confident and informed throughout your experience at our clinic.

We are thrilled to introduce our new pre-adjustment exercise program, aimed at maximizing the benefits of your treatments. These quick and simple exercises are designed to prepare your body, increase mobility, improve posture, and enhance the effectiveness of your adjustments. By incorporating these exercises into your routine, you can optimize your overall experience at our clinic. We invite you to visit us and try these pre-adjustment exercises for yourself. Take another step towards a healthier, more aligned body, and experience the difference firsthand. We look forward to seeing you soon!

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Unleashing Your Body's Superpower: How Chiropractic Care Can Tame Your Stress

Chiropractic adjustments can do more than just provide physical relief – they reset the nerve system! Research suggests that these adjustments can help reset the body's stress response to promote relaxation and calm.

Understanding Polyvagal Theory and Chiropractic: Regulating Your Stress Response


Today, we're going to dive into the fascinating topic of polyvagal theory and its relationship to chiropractic care. As a chiropractor, my goal is to assist people in managing their stress response, and understanding this theory sheds light on how our bodies react to stress.

 Polyvagal theory, developed by Dr. Stephen Porges, focuses on the 10th cranial nerve (Vagus nerve), which carries information between two parts of our autonomic nervous system: the sympathetic and the parasympathetic. This theory recognizes that our stress response isn't limited to three distinct states, but rather involves multiple steps on a ladder.

 When we perceive stress, we may enter a heightened state, becoming hypersensitive to our surroundings (represented by the orange / alert state on the traffic light). This leads to the fight-or-flight response, represented by the colour red. However, as the stress diminishes, we should ideally transition back to the orange  ( the alert state) or even the green zone (relax and calm mode), where healing and recovery occur. Stress can arise from various sources such as people, places, and social situations, impacting our resting state.

 This is where chiropractic plays a role in regulating our response to stress based on polyvagal theory. Chiropractic adjustments have the remarkable ability to reset our autonomic nervous system, among other parts of our nervous system. Many patients have reported feeling a sense of calm and relief after adjustments, symbolizing the steps of the polyvagal theory bringing them down to a more relaxed state.


Beyond the physical adjustments, chiropractic care also considers the neurological impact of these treatments. By resetting the nerve system, adjustments can potentially influence how we interpret and respond to stress. The ultimate goal is to bring ourselves down to the orange or green state on the ladder, where our stress response is appropriate and manageable.

To provide comprehensive care, our clinic utilizes advanced technology to monitor and optimize your nervous system's ability to regulate stress. By addressing mechanical function and overall well-being, we aim to empower your body to navigate stress effectively.

 A real-life example demonstrates the effectiveness of chiropractic care in regulating stress. One of our long-term clients recently experienced a highly stressful period in her life. Recognizing the need for support, she sought chiropractic adjustments, bodywork, and mental-emotional assistance. During her six-month review, we were thrilled to discover that despite the challenges, she had landed in the green zone on our stress regulation graph. Her nerve system was effectively managing stress, maintaining a calm baseline.

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The Powerful Impact of our Nervous System and Our Stress Response & Chiropractic care

Chiropractic care is about more than just relieving pain and improving movement. It delves into the intricate connection between spinal alignment and our nervous system's ability to communicate with our entire body. While we often associate this relationship with pain, muscle function, and movement, we tend to overlook its influence on vital organs, glands, and blood vessels, which are crucial for our survival and stress adaptation.

When our brain detects stress, it triggers a response that leads our body to adapt. This intricate coordination occurs through nerve messages sent to various organ systems. Conversely, when stress subsides, our brain recognizes the change and activates the healing and recovery response. Traditionally known as the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems, these two parts of our nervous system are responsible for the "fight/flight/freeze" and "rest/digest/recovery" responses, respectively.

At our clinic, we utilize heart rate variability technology to assess the balance between the parasympathetic and sympathetic systems, alongside evaluating pain, range of movement, posture, and other factors. A robust response from a healthier nervous system enables us to cope with stress more effectively and enhances our resilience.

Heart Rate Variability

Heart rate variability

Our Pulse wave profiler Scanning technology at our clinic collects your physiological data to understand your baseline autonomic balance. An ideal result lands you centralised in the green zone

During a chiropractic adjustment, a remarkable sequence of events occurs within the nervous system:

  1. Pain receptors in the spinal joints are reset.

  2. Proprioceptors, which are position sensors in our joints, are activated, influencing our perception of posture.

  3. Mechanoreceptors related to movement and freedom of motion are recalibrated.

Furthermore, chiropractic adjustments have a profound impact on the receptors communicating with the autonomic nervous system, responsible for managing stress and regulating communication with organs, glands, and blood vessels. As a result, chiropractic adjustments offer multi-level effects on our overall well-being. Ongoing research is dedicated to understanding this fascinating phenomenon.

Many of my patients describe a sense of calmness and a feeling of taking a deep breath after an adjustment. This experience arises from the reset that occurs within their autonomic nervous system. As an experienced chiropractor, I am always amazed to witness how a chiropractic adjustment can reset this critical aspect of my patients' nervous system.

In my next post, I will delve into the fascinating realm of "Polyvagal theory," which explores the intricate relationship between the nervous system and stress response, shedding light on how we manage stress. Stay tuned!


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3 types of Headaches Chiropractors help with

Last blog I promised I would share information about 3 Headaches Chiropractors Can Help You With:

  1. Tension headaches are commonly described as a tight band around the head, sometimes accompanied by tenderness of the head and scalp. They can build up slowly and occur infrequently or become more regular.

    While mild tension headaches are often overlooked, they can occasionally become so severe that they make you feel nauseous. Chiropractors often find considerable muscle tension in the shoulders and neck muscles contributing to these headaches. Stress is a common trigger for tension headaches.

  2. Cervicogenic headaches originate from structures in the neck and result in referred pain to the head. They typically cause pain on one side and are often associated with a decrease in the normal range of neck movement.

    These headaches are commonly chronic and recurrent. While the upper neck is usually implicated, other areas in the lower neck and upper thoracic spine can also contribute to the pain. Cervicogenic headaches can develop after a whiplash-type injury or due to poor posture.

  3. Migraine headaches are severe and debilitating headaches.

    People who experience migraines may have different triggers that can set off an attack, such as certain foods, hormonal changes, or sensory stimuli. Prior to a migraine, individuals may notice warning signs, (commonly known as the prodrome) including mood changes, sensitivity to light and sound, difficulty speaking and reading, visual disturbances, tingling, and numbness.

    When the throbbing headache arrives, it is often accompanied by symptoms like nausea, vomiting, dizziness, neck pain, and stiffness. Migraine patterns can vary from person to person, with some experiencing migraines rarely and others experiencing them frequently.

Research has consistently shown that chiropractic care, in combination with lifestyle changes, can significantly reduce the severity and frequency of these headaches. In fact, studies have revealed that 89% of chiropractic patients experience relief from headaches while under care.

If you're tired of suffering from headaches and want to improve your quality of life, don't hesitate to contact us today. Let us help you find relief and live pain-free!

Note: For personalized treatment, it's important to consult your Chiropractor

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Do headaches hold you back?

It is estimated that 46% of the Australian population suffers with some form of headache!

That’s nearly one in 2 of you. I know in my own clinic that about 1 in 3 people will report suffering with some form of headaches, whether it be the prime reason they are coming for help, or I find out that is an additional background symptom they have.

That is huge! In fact, it is estimated that more Australians suffer from migraines and tension headaches than those who have diabetes, asthma and epilepsy combined! So it’s very possible that you could be one of them.

If so, what you need to know:

  1. There are many types of headaches - 100’s in fact!

  2. Chiropractors are trained to diagnose different types of headaches to decide if Chiropractic care is appropriate for you

  3. The top 3 headaches that Chiropractors get results with are: tension-type, cervicogenic ( meaning those caused by the neck) and migraines

  4. There is a great deal of research to support the validity of seeking Chiropractic care for headaches

Headaches rob you of your normal function, productivity and zest for life. I can’t tell you how many times I have had people tell me: “Yeah, I just have the normal headaches….” WHAT??!! When did headaches become normal???

Unfortunately, I think that people often get so used to feeling sub-optimal that they don’t know what ‘well’ feels like until after they start feeling better under Chiropractic care.

So if that’s you or someone you know, don’t suffer needlessly, come in and get assessed. Even if you have been to the clinic seeking help for another reason, you may not have realised that Chiropractic could also help with headaches.

In the next blog, I will discuss the types of headaches I mentioned above, so you can distinguish if you might be in one of those categories. In the meantime watch this video below for more information!

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Protect your neck in the cold

OK, so the chill factor has kicked in now! Are you wearing your shoulders like earrings? It seems to be instinct to brace and raise our shoulders to shorten our neck when we are feeling cold. Unfortunately, we’re not turtles who can pull our heads into our shells for warmth. This action causes undue extra tension to our already loaded neck. I say “loaded” because, with our typical lifestyles, we all spend many hours with our necks bent forwards and down, which places extra stress on our necks. When we feel cold and tense our neck and shoulder muscles. we actually create more compression, which is certainly no help!

So being prepared by following these few suggestions can help you avoid extra pain and discomfort:

  1. Wear a scarf! So simple but it can make a huge difference. I know patients who have even presented to me with a “wry neck” due to their neck muscles spasming after being caught in a chill. The bonus is with a scarf you can turn it into a fashion item, show your unique personality (or sports team allegiance), and easy to remove if you get hot. Just remember to leave your favourite scarf next to your favourite warm jacket.

    Heat bags - they need to be used with caution so you don’t inadvertently cause your skin any damage. We stock a wrap-around style called “Wili heat bags”. They are $41.50 and available at the clinic. They have lupins inside instead of wheat (just make sure you follow the heating instructions). They are designed to sit beautifully around your neck without slipping off so you can use them even while you’re sitting at the computer or in the lounge relaxing.

  2. Make sure you keep moving. I have many clients who love doing various forms of art or craft as a de-stress activity. However, it’s similar to if you have been sitting at a desk intently studying, or working on the computer- that you can get so involved in what you are doing you lose track of time and end up in the neck-flexed position for a long period. Sometimes it’s easy to get chilled around the neck too from being still. So set a timer and make sure you move positions every 15- 20 minutes, take your neck through a gentle range of movements to break up the static posture, that gets your blood moving through your muscles again and helps reduce the built-up tension.

With 50% of my clients presenting with neck pain in any given week, it’s a timely reminder of simple strategies you can do to help yourself. But remember, if the pain persists, come see me for some extra help and advice

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